Saturday, November 13, 2010

song(s) of the day

Tsk tsk. I forgot about SOTD yesterdsay....woopsies.
So, to make up for my lack of consistency, I'll add 2!

The first song is one of my favorite songs.
Whenever I listen to it, I can't help but start dancing, and a smile immediately comes to my face.
It reminds me of being a child, sitting in the trunk of my Trooper (car), and reading books in the summer while running errands with my mom. The trooper had a big worries, no neglect and/or abuse.

ARTIST: Jackson 5
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"ABC, easy as 123, simple as do, re, mi; ABC; 123, baby you and me girl"

The next song is from one of my favorite movies.
My friend Paige introduced me to the movie, song, band, everything about this. The fact that I heart this so much, I owe to Paigiepoo.
This song is one of many fabulous songs from the soundtrack to the movie, and I love every single one of them. I'll probably make the rest SOTDs at some point. 
SONG: Fallen From The Sky
ALBUM: Once Soundtrack
ARTIST: The Swell Season (Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova)
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"You must've fallen from the sky,
You must've crashed down on the runway.
You brought so many to the light, and now you're by yourself.
There comes a point in every fight 
Where giving up seems like the only way
When everyone has said goodbye
And now you're on your own.
If you need somewhere to fall apart
Somewhere to fall apart"
This song is unlike any other song on the album. 
The musicality is very...upbeat. There are other upbeat songs in the movie, but they are....very...different. This song has such a fun feel to it, and the music is so unique. These two have the ability to write the most beautiful songs--their lyrics are GENIUS. Listen to it, and you'll see what I mean.

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