Wednesday, December 7, 2011

a few minor changes

Hello everyone!
I've decided to make a few changes to this blog.
It's mostly for my sake.
I love Love LOVE deconstructing/analyzing music.
So, I've decided to do, "One Broadway A Day". In other words, I want to deconstruct at least one show tune every day. Hey, it might not even be a show tune--it could be an artist/band/pop song/country song/whatever. But, for my sanity, I decided to do so.

I also might be taking a few deconstruction tips from the one and only Seth Rudetsky.
This guy knows what's up. He is an amazing musician, and he loves to deconstruct and analyze singers and the songs they sing. It's nice to have another musically analytic mind like myself. He's a pro though, so don't expect too much from me.

So, here it is! The first deconstruction!

I have been singing this song ALL DAY LONG.
What song is it??
It's "Just Around The Riverbend" from Disney's Pocahontas.
It is sung by the amazingly gifted, Judy Kuhn.


The SECOND this song starts, I get the chills. 
Why? Because Alan Menken is a genius. He creates the tone for the piece with the lilting melody that flows through the entire number. It gives the essence of..well..being in water. Then Judy starts singing and her beautiful phraseology helps create the feeling of adventure.
Listen to her vibrato--it's fast, but I love it. It's not annoying, it's wonderful. She doesn't need to be full-on Etheling (singing like Ethel Merman). She can talk-sing and it brings the sense of excitement and longing to the forefront of the song. 

MMMM. The first "What's around the riverbeeeeeend" is amazing. She bites off the end of the phrase, but first, she lets her vibrato carry us around a metaphorical/musical riverbend. Usually the bend of a river is a climax, and in the song, Menken's music and Kuhns voice take us around the same riverbend, until we reach, "I look once more, just around the riverbend," which brings us to the crashing, white water rapids that are usually experienced after a river flows around a corner. The chorus is one a climax of the song, and then as it ends, the intensity of the song peeters out, just like the river does.

The lyrics flow with the music and feeling of the song. Kuhn sings of finding something better in life, wanting to be great--but they are just out of reach. As she reaches the very climax of the song, it cuts off suddenly. She is faced with the possibility of being stuck in her mundain life. But still, the hope of things extending "just around the riverbend" is clear in the song, as Kuhn reveals her incredible soprano range. She soars up to some high notes in her register as she longs for the adventure that awaits her. 

The song ends in a quiet, flowing manner as Pocahontas is waiting in the water to find out what is around the riverbend for her.

So, things to look for: 
  1. The first "What's around the river bend" vibrato/biting off the end of the phrase.
  2. Metaphorical/music riverbend.
  3. Climax of the chorus flowing with the climax of the river.
  4. Sudden cut-off after the climax, into the soft hoping of a better life/Judy's UNREAL soprano range.

Monday, March 28, 2011

long time no siiiiing.

oh hey!
i just have to post this really quick because i'm in love with someone.

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this guy. Keith Urban. he helps me through many a day.
i want to get all of his songs.
i would never let my husband or boyfriend or what have you have hair like that, but i think he's hotttttt.
well, there is one song in particular that i'm obsessed with:

"You're My Better Half"
such a cute song! 
one of my best friend's big sister had her wedding video done to this song, and ever since i've been obsessed! i love it!
even if you don't like country, you'll like this song. guarantee it.
you can't not love this song. promise.

They say behind every man is a good woman
But I think that's a lie
'Cause when it comes to you I'd rather have you by my side
You don't know how much I count on you to help me
When I've given everything I got and I just feel like giving in
And you look at me
And give me that come-here-baby smile
It's all gonna be alright
You take my hand
Yeah you pull me close and you hold me tight

t's the sweet love that you give to me
That makes me believe we can make it through anything
'Cause when it all comes down
And I'm feeling like I'll never last
I just lean on you 'cause baby
You're my better half

yes folks, i'm going to have this one day :)
can't wait!
thanks keith for giving me hope

Friday, December 10, 2010

it's about time

I just came across this song in my youtubing today. 
I've known it and loved it for all of my life, but, I love it.
That doesn't make any sense. 
However, it's beautiful.

SONG: Till There Was You
ARTIST: Barbara Cook/Shirley Jones
ALBUM: The Music Man
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"There was love all around,
but I never heard it singing
Till There Was You."

just you wait future husband of mine.
i'm going to be singing this to you.
a lot.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

the goose is getting fat

Ohhhhhh emmmmm geeeeeeee.
The blessed month of december is FINALLY upon us!
you know what that means.....CHRISTMAS SONGS! (even though i've been listening since Nov. 1st)
I would like to pay tribute to one of my favorite christmas songs.
this was the first christmas song i heard, and you bet your little snowy boots that i started to cry. it's what christmas music does do me, okay?

SONG: Where are you Christmas?
ARTIST: cindy lou who/faith hill
Album: How The Grinch Stole Christmas
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this is one of my VERY favorite christmas songs and movies. There are two versions of the song: in the first, cindy lou is singing about the holiday that used to bring her so much joy, but because of all the hustle and bussle, she can't seem to find the special glow in her heart that christmas brings. She isn't sure if the feelings of giving and joy and peace are felt by all her other who-neighbors. 
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look at how cute she is! awwwwww. ohhh cindy, don't you know that you can save christmas? obviously she does, because she ends up saving

as much as i love that cute, un-timely sentimental version of the song, i prefer the Faith Hill version.
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mmmmmhmmmm. that's what i'm talkin'bout. look at that hair. sooooo nice. classy, even. nothing beats driving around and BLASTING this song in the car. the song starts off melancholy with a hint of wishing, and as the ballad moves forward, so does the feeling: it gets SO intense! you can really feel the anxiousness as the worry that the true meaning of christmas is gone forever. HOwever, ironically, the song that is doubtful of the true meaning of christmas has become a season favorite....heh. 
you know i belt it along with faith. i went on a date one time, and i told the guy that when i first heard this song i teared up.....probs not the best choice of "funny facts about myself."
oh well.
i still heart the song..

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

oh my holy poo

ZOMG you guys. 
I cannot BELIEVE that I haven't posted about this song until now.
It's almost a sin. Okay, not even close...but you know what I mean.

Hmmm? What's that? You're wondering what all the hearts are for? 
Ohhhhhh well, they have to do with the SOTD, so bear wih me.

SONG: Would You Go With Me
ARTIST: Josh Turner
ALBUM: Your Man

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ohhh my gosh.
Isn't he so so so hottttttt??
Wow, I'm not really sure why i'm so twtterpated right now. 
Well, okay, maybe I do know why, but that's none of your business.
Josh Turner's voice is....Incredible. 
It is SO LOW. And if you really knew me, you'd know that low voices are (one of) my weakness(es). 

Josh and I have a long relationship.
I'm sure I first heard him whilst watching CMT.
However, this song was re-introduced to me by my friend Daryn, when we were driving aimlessly around in her car listening to her vast country collection. 
The song immediately grabbed my attention: tricky banjo and mandolin finger picking with a memorable melody line. After such a hooker of an intro, I was obligated to listen to the voice.
"Would you go wiiiiiith meeeeeee"...oh man, folks...I was gone.
I realized then and there that if a boy was ever going to have my hand in marriage, he would play me one of JT's songs...preferably this one. So, because I was drawn in even further by the sexiest voice I've ever heard, I HAD to listen to the lyrics:

~~Would you go with me if we rolled down streets on fire?
Would you hold on to me tighter as the summer sun got higher,
If we roll from town to town and never shut it down?

Would you go with me if we were lost in fields of clover?
Would we walk even closer until the trip was over,
And would it be okay if I didn't know the way?

If I gave you my hand would you take it
And make me the happiest man in the world?
If I told you to my heart couldn't beat one more minute without you girl,
Would you accompany me to the edge of the sea;
Let me know if you're really a dream?
I love you so, so would you go with me?~~

Mmmmhhhmmmmm. You're melting too. 
The music video depicts a boy and girl at different stages of life: little kids, teenagers, married couple, and then just the old man holding his wife's ashes. The whole time, it's obvious they're in love. 
At the end of the video, the old man is alone, and he's standing in the imaginative world that he and the girl created together. Then, the girl (in little girl form), runs up and puts her hands down on the "treasure box" (box of ashes) and he puts his hands on hers. (if you think about it, that's kind of weird, yet still cute due to the context of the video/song.) Then he turns into the little version of himself again, and they go laughing into the sunset. 
It really is presh. 

This song is about being able to trust the one you love--even enough to do absolutely crazy things, because you know they love you back and you wouldn't want to be with anyone else. 
You love them BECAUSE of the crazy adventures you go on and because they know how to get you, to make you fall in love even harder. You can't help yourself.

Do you have a someone like that?

Oh, and Josh? I definitely WILL go with you. Anywhere.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Alright folks,
it's that time again.
the time when i obsess over a new movie.
what is this movie you ask? 

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It's about Rapunzel.
All of the songs from the movie are favorites. 

But, there is one that I find particularly funny right now, 
and that is the song, "Mother Knows Best"

SONG: Mother Knows Best
ARTIST: Mother Gothel/Donna Murphy
ALBUM: Tangled Soundtrack
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This is Mother Gothel.
Evil sorceress who kidnaps Rapunzel because of the special power of her hair. Rapunzel's hair has the power to keep good ol' Mother Gothel young. 
One day, Rapunzel asks to leave the tower, and MG's response is this song:

Mother Gothel:
You want to go outside? Why, Rapunzel...!
Look at you, as fragile as a flower
Still a little sapling, just a sprout
You know why we stay up in this tower

I know but...

Mother Gothel:
That's right, to keep you safe and sound, dear
Guess I always knew this day was coming
Knew that soon you'd want to leave the nest
Soon, but not yet

But --

Mother Gothel:
Trust me, pet
Mother knows best
Mother knows best
Listen to your mother
It's a scary world out there
Mother knows best
One way or another
Something will go wrong, I swear
Ruffians, thugs
Poison ivy, quicksand
Cannibals and snakes
The plague


Mother Gothel:

But --

Mother Gothel:
Also large bugs
Men with pointy teeth, and
Stop, no more, you'll just upset me
Mother's right here
Mother will protect you
Darling, here's what I suggest
Skip the drama
Stay with mama
Mother knows best
Go ahead, get trampled by a rhino
Go ahead, get mugged and left for dead
Me, I'm just your mother, what do I know?
I only bathed and changed and nursed you
Go ahead and leave me, I deserve it
Let me die alone here, be my guest
When it's too late
You'll see, just wait
Mother knows best
Mother knows best
Take it from your mumsy
On your own, you won't survive
Sloppy, underdressed
Immature, clumsy
Please, they'll eat you up alive
Gullible, naïve
Positively grubby
Ditzy and a bit, well, hmm vague
Plus, I believe
Gettin' kinda chubby
I'm just saying 'cause I wuv you
Mother understands
Mother's here to help you
All I have is one request


Mother Gothel:
Don't ever ask to leave this tower again.

Yes, Mother.

Mother Gothel:
I love you very much, dear.

I love you more.

Mother Gothel:
I love you most.
Don't forget it
You'll regret it
Mother knows best

*shudder* she's SO evil!!! 
and yet, you can't help but laugh.
one of the funniest/creepiest parts of the song is when she says,
"the plague"
if you see the movie, watch for that part!

go listen!!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

let's rethink things

I'm thinking this everyday thing might be a wee bit difficult. I have problems...time wasting mostly. 

But anyway, I do have a song to share today.

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Song: If It's Magic
ARTIST: Stevie Wonder
ALBUM: Hotter Than July

I discovered this song over the summer, and I have loved it ever since. 
The lyrics express emotions everyone wishes.
If something is more so beautiful and the moment should be forever, why can't it be?

I think all of the lyrics need to be posted.

~if it's magic, 
then why can't it be everlasting?
like the sun that always shines
like the poets in his rhyme
like the galaxies in time

if it's pleasing, 
why can't it be never leaving?
like the day that never fails
like on the seashores there are shells
like the time that always tells

it holds the key to every heart
throughout the universe
it fills you up without a bite
and quenches every thirst

if it's special
then with it why aren't we as careful
as making sure we dress in style
posing pictures with a smile
keeping danger from a child

if it's magic
then why can't we make it everlasting
like the lifetime of the sun
it will leave no heart undone
for there's enough for everyone~

so, what if it IS magic....Think About It.